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1. General

Go Getter Software (hereinafter “Go Getter Software”, “we” or “us”) values your privacy. We therefore adhere to national and international laws and standards, including the General Data Protection Regulation (the AVG or GDPR). This means that your data is safe with us and that we will protect your data.

Go Getter Software processes personal data of persons with whom we have, have had or wish to have a direct or indirect relationship in the future. This includes data of our current and potential customers, contacts of our customers, business partners who assist us in providing our services to our customers (e.g. suppliers) or whom we assist in providing services to customers, clients, users of our software, employees/freelance consultants, as well as potential clients and potential employees (job applicants) and visitors to our website.

By “processing of data” we mean any processing of data that can identify you as a natural person. Exactly what data is involved is further explained in this privacy statement (hereinafter “Privacy Statement”). The term ‘processing’ is broad and covers, among other things, the collection, storage, use or distribution of your data.

In this Privacy Statement, we would like to clarify the role that Go Getter Software may have in relation to you as an individual. More specifically, Go Getter Software has a relationship with you as an individual as a (joint) ‘data controller’ with respect to your personal data if you are a user of our software, services, or of our website or contact person of a customer, (potential) customer or supplier; if you have an employment relationship with Go Getter Software, or are a freelance consultant, etc. In this relationship with you, we determine the purpose and means of collecting and processing your personal data. In this relationship, you may contact us directly to exercise your rights. This Privacy Statement does not apply insofar as we process personal data in the role of ‘processor’ on behalf of our customers. These personal data are covered by separate data processing agreements that we enter into with our customers.

Visiting our website www.gogettersoftware.com, contacting us (e.g. while filling in the contact form on our website); applying for a job at Go Getter Software; entering into a licence agreement, requesting a demo to test our software or generally using our software or any other service, in any form, implies your express approval (by means of communication of your personal data or opt-in) of this privacy and cookie statement and thus of the way we collect, use and process your personal data.

2. Who is Go Getter Software and what is the purpose of our software package?

Go Getter Software is the commercial name of Striktly Business Software bv, with company number 0889.309.955 and with registered office at Hessenplein 2, 2000 Antwerp (Belgium).

Go Getter Software develops software products and services for companies to easily manage administration. The software and services support the company in terms of invoicing, finances, calendaring, customer portal, web shop, statistics, etc.

3. What are the legal grounds that Go Getter Software uses to process your personal data?

We only process your data for the legitimate purposes listed below where the processing will always be based on the processing grounds listed in the GDPR .

3.1. Go Getter Software must be able to properly fulfil its contractual obligations (Contractual Obligation)

If we have or will enter into a contractual relationship, we need to be able to correctly fulfil our contractual obligations. We therefore process personal data for entering into and performing this contract in order to provide you with our services, or to allow you to provide your services to us. 

Go Getter Software may thus use your personal data for such purposes as the following:

– The creation of a (demo) account and its confirmation;

– Providing training;

– Providing consultancy;

– The provision of Go Getter Software’s services, whether through the website, software and/or any other type of service;

– Providing support/assistance (e.g. in case of problems);

– Sending invoices and collecting payments;

– Optimising the quality, management and content of the website, software and/or any other service;

– Statistical purposes for optimising the quality of our services;

– Formatting an offer.

3.2. Go Getter Software must be able to operate as a business (Legitimate interest)

In addition to the purposes already listed, Go Getter Software, as a commercial enterprise, has a number of legitimate interests that form the basis for processing personal data. In doing so, Go Getter Software ensures that the impact on your privacy is as limited as possible and that, in any case, Go Getter Software’s interests outweigh any impact it may have on your right to privacy. We process your personal data for our legitimate interests provided that the processing does not conflict with your rights. For example, personal data is processed in various situations in order to:

– Protect you, Go Getter Software or others from threats (such as security breaches or fraud);

– Control, manage and monitor the company Go Getter Software;

– Notifying you of our offer;

– Support the company Go Getter Software in establishing, exercising, defending and safeguarding its rights in disputes, for example;

– Improve the business in terms of processes, quality management, customer service,…;

– Better understand and improve customer relationships; and

– Support the recruitment process, evaluate employees,….

3.4. Go Getter Software processes your data on the basis of your (explicit) consent

For any other specific purposes, we will seek your (explicit) consent. 

Sending targeted marketing and advertising, updates and promotional offers (by newsletter, for example) will be done on the basis of your express consent. We further rely on consent as a legal basis in relation to our customers and business partners (e.g. suppliers), in order to (be able to) provide them with our services in a professional manner. If you have given us your verbal consent to process certain data, we will always send you an e-mail confirming your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. We ask that you always confirm a verbal withdrawal of your consent in writing, or withdraw your consent via e-mail or letter.

3.5 Go Getter Software processes your data for legal purposes in order to comply with legal obligations incumbent upon us

For example, we are legally obliged to comply with your requests based on data protection laws and regulations, and as a company, we must keep relevant accounting documents for the statutory period.

If we further process your data for purposes other than those for which it was collected, we will contact you and, if necessary, offer our services and/or ask for your consent. Should this contact take place by telephone, we will subsequently send you an e-mail indicating that we will process your data in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

4. What data does Go Getter Software process and why?

Below we clarify what data we may process from you, depending on your relationship with Go Getter Software. This does not mean that we will have all the data about you listed below in all cases. This will always depend on the specific situation and your preferences. 

Visitors to our website

If you visit our website, through the use of cookies and through your use of features we have provided on the website (e.g. the contact form), we may process the data below from you. 

  • identification data: a copy of your identity card (only to verify your identity if necessary when you wish to exercise any of your rights as a data subject under the GDPR);
  • electronic identification data: including your IP address, browser type, location, connection times;
  • contact details and contact history: including your name and e-mail address when using the contact form on our website, messages sent and received (such as via e-mail or via the contact form provided on our website).

Customers and business partners

We may process the data below from our (contacts at our) current, former and potential future customers and business partners. Which data we specifically process from you will naturally depend on the specific services which you, as our customer, purchase, have purchased or may wish to purchase from us, or on the way in which you assist us, as our business partner, in providing the aforementioned services to our customers, or in which we provide them to you, as our business partner.

  • Identification data: including a copy of your identity card (only to verify your identity if necessary when you wish to exercise any of your rights as a data subject under the GDPR), username and password (to log in to our website and software);
  • Contact details: including your name, address, fixed telephone number, mobile phone number, private and/or personal e-mail address; professional position;
  • Contact history: including messages sent and received (such as via e-mail or via the contact form provided on our website);
  • Public data: publicly available data (e.g. data on the website of the company you belong to, data obtained from the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises);
  • Payment data: including payment card details, account number, if you make payments to us or receive payments from us.


From applicants, being potential future employees for positions within Go Getter Software, we may process the data below. This includes both applicants who apply directly to Go Getter Software and applicants who come to Go Getter Software via external agencies. Naturally, the concrete data processed in this case depend to a large extent on the data you yourself provide to us in the context of your application, this particular service or application.

When you apply to Go Getter Software, the following data, among others, may be processed by Go Getter Software:

  • Identification data (e.g. your name, gender, date and place of birth, national register number, passport photograph, etc.).
  • Contact details (e.g. address, mobile number, e-mail address, etc.)
  • Financial data (e.g. your bank account number, etc.)
  • Details of your family composition (e.g. your marital status, number of dependants, etc.)
  • Education, preferences and qualifications (e.g. your work experience, professional situation, availabilities, studies, diplomas, language skills, CV, etc.).
  • Other data you provide to us yourself or have apparently made public (photo, CV, LinkedIn profile, etc.).

If necessary, a copy of identity card, bank card, work permit, driving licence and/or Student@Work may also be requested.

These are data that you yourself communicate to us in advance or are collected in the course of the application.

At the start of the application process, applicants will be informed in more detail about the processing of their personal data by Go Getter Software.

Employees and consultants

We may process the following data of our employees. The same applies to temporary workers / freelance consultants employed by Go Getter Software. Naturally, the concrete data processed in this case depend to a large extent on the data you yourself provide to us in the context of the specific employment relationship, the position and the services involved.

  • Identification data (e.g. your name, gender, date and place of birth, national register number, passport photo, identity card number, national register number if required by law, etc.).
  • Contact details (e.g. address, phone number, email address, login details, badging details, etc.)
  • Financial data (e.g. your bank account number, salary, benefits, expenses, payroll calculation, etc.)
  • Details of your family composition (e.g. your marital status, number of dependants, etc.)
    • Information related to the employment relationship and career (e.g. work schedule, absences, time records, career duration, information/communications from colleagues, superiors, clients, third parties or other persons on the execution of the employment relationship in any format, such as e-mails, text messages, etc.).
  • Information related to evaluation and training (e.g. evaluation of performance, promotions, training attended
  • Medical data (in the context of an accident at work or private accident reported to Go Getter Software as employer)
  • Information related to the use of vehicles employed by Go Getter Software (e.g. traffic fines, geolocation data)

Go Getter Software may also be able to collect photos and other reproductions related to your activities within our company.

It concerns data that you communicate to us yourself or that are collected in the course of exercising your employment contract/assignment (evaluations, salary changes, promotions, sanctions, complaints, etc.).

At the start of the employment relationship/assignment, the employee/consultant will be informed in more detail about the processing of his or her personal data by Go Getter Software.

Special categories of personal data

Go Getter Software will not process any special categories of personal data (i.e. data on racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data to unambiguously identify a natural person, health or the sex life or sexual orientation of a natural person) unless they are transmitted to us with your explicit consent.

If you have any questions, or you want to know exactly what we track about you, be sure to contact Go Getter Software by sending an e-mail to support@gogettersoftware.com or by calling +32 3 304 80 40.

5. Does Go Getter Software share your personal data with third parties?

Go Getter Software does not sell personal data to third parties.

Go Getter Software will also not share your personal data with third parties unless (i) you choose to do so yourself and would give your express consent; (ii) it is necessary for the performance of an agreement we have with you as a customer, employee or other business partner, or to take action at your request prior to the conclusion of such agreement (e.g. the conclusion of a licence agreement between you and Go Getter Software); or (iii) a statutory provision, mandatory law – or regulation, court order would require us to do so. Even if it would concern sensitive categories of personal data, we will in no case share such data without your explicit consent. If third parties ask us to do so, they are advised to request the data from the data subjects themselves and directly.

We may share personal data with various parties such as (among others) the various service providers who help us with various services such as IT, HR, and system administration, web audience analysis, cloud hosting, marketing and communications, etc. We enter into processor agreements with these processors to safeguard your rights. Where these processors are located outside the EU, we ensure that the legal bases for such international transfers are safeguarded.

6. How long do we keep your personal data? 

We keep your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. To determine the appropriate retention period, we take into account the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the reason for which we process it and whether we can achieve those purposes by other means.

We should also take into account periods for which we may need to retain personal data in order to comply with our legal obligations (e.g. related to billing and accounting) or for handling complaints, queries and for protecting our legal rights in the event of a claim.

When we no longer need your personal data, we will securely delete, destroy or anonymise it. If this is not (technically) possible, for example because your data is stored in backup archives, we will retain your data but will not process it further and delete it when this becomes possible.

We also consider how we can reduce the personal data we use over time and whether we can anonymise your personal data so that it can no longer be linked to you or identify you, in which case we can use this information without further notice to you.

7. How do we obtain your data?

We may obtain your data from you directly, from our customers, from our service providers or from public sources.

If we obtain your data from our customers (e.g. as our contact person) and do not merely act as a processor in doing so, we will take all reasonable steps to verify whether the data has been lawfully collected and further processed by our customer, and whether the data can be transferred to us on the basis of the legal basis used. If this proves not to be the case, we will refuse to process the data in question.

If we obtain your data from external (public or non-public) sources and process your data in our systems as a data controller, we will inform you about the processing of your data no later than the time of our first contact with you.

In terms of consulting public sources, we use databases such as the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises.

8. How do we secure your personal data?

Go Getter Software undertakes to take reasonable, technological and organisational (precautionary) measures to prevent (i) unauthorised access to your personal data, as well as (ii) loss, misuse or any form of unlawful processing of your personal data.

Go Getter Software will keep all personal data, which it has collected, in a secure environment.

Notwithstanding Go Getter Software’s security policy, the checks it carries out and the actions it takes in this respect, an infallible level of security cannot be guaranteed. No method of transmission or transfer via the Internet nor any method of electronic storage is 100% secure, thus Go Getter Software cannot guarantee absolute security in this context.

Finally, the security of your account also depends on the confidentiality of your password to access our software or our website. Go Getter Software will never ask for your password so that you are not required to disclose it yourself. If you have nevertheless disclosed your password to a third party – for example because this third party has indicated that it offers you additional services – this third party will access your personal data via your password. In this case, you yourself are liable for the actions taken through the use made of your personal data. Go Getter Software therefore strongly recommends that, if you find that someone has knowledge of your password, you change it immediately and contact us.

In the event of a personal data breach, we will follow up on all applicable notification obligations related to such breach.

9. What rights do data subjects have?

If you have any questions or want to know what personal data we hold about you, you can always contact us.

Also remember that you have the following rights: 

– get an explanation of what personal data we have and what we do with it and for what purposes;

  • access the precise personal data we hold and obtain a copy of it;
  • having errors corrected and completing or updating your personal data;
  • having outdated personal data deleted;
  • withdrawal of consent;
  • object to the processing of your data based on our legitimate interests.  This should be based on reasons specific to your situation. In this case, we should stop processing unless we cite compelling legitimate grounds to continue processing;
  • erasure of your personal data without unreasonable delay (‘right to be forgotten’), unless we are legally obliged to keep certain data for a certain period of time;
  • limit the processing of your data. In this way, processing is temporarily stopped until, for example, there is certainty about its accuracy;
  • obtaining your data in a structured, common and machine-readable form.  

However, the exercise of the above rights is subject to certain exceptions to protect the public interest, our interests and interests of other individuals.

Please ensure that you always clearly state who you are so that we can be sure we do not edit or delete data belonging to the wrong person. In case of reasonable doubt about your identity, we will first of all verify your identity by requesting a copy of your identity card. We request that you cross out non-relevant data on this, such as your national registration number and photograph.

The exercise of your rights is in principle free of charge. However, if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may charge you a reasonable fee in light of the administrative costs incurred by us. In the same case, however, we may choose not to comply with your request. You will always be informed of the reasons if applicable.

In any case, we will always inform you of the action taken on your request within four weeks (for simple requests) or three months (for complex or multiple requests). In the latter case, we will inform you of the reasons for the extension of the normal response time.

10. What about changes to this Privacy Statement?

This Privacy Statement may be revised from time to time and any changes to the policy will be communicated to you via email and/or through a publication on our website. The date this Privacy Statement was last amended can be found at the bottom.

11. Contact person?

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact us at the following e-mail address: support@gogettersoftware.com

If you feel we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority:

Data protection authority

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Last modified on: 29/02/2024

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